Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nadzrin no more baby !

Today really hit me that my little baby is turning 1 year old. He is enter toddler and leave behind the little baby phase. Welcome to 1 year old darling Nadzrin !!
I am so happy and sad, all at the same time. I love snuggling my little boy. He's such a sweet n handsome baby who loves to hug and give a kisses. He babbles endlessly all day long. i love it.

I am looking forwards about him getting older. I am excited to have conversations with him. To hear what a funny things he will say the most inappropriate times. I look forward to hearing about his day and what he learned. This is a bittersweet time for me n my husband

We are so amazingly blessed to have him happy, healthy and growing. Small 1st birthday event to him n tiba tiba jadi big party. I'm so happy n really thanx to mom n dad, siblings, nieces, nephew, cousin, neighbours n my lovely frens. Thanx for coming n thanx for the gift. Nadzrin is very happy n enjoy.This 1st birthday will always be a precious memory.

Nadzrin special thanx to his Wan, Atok, mak ngah, uncle chen, aunty chik, n pak su.
will see u again..


  1. Cik Inn i mintak sorry sangat2 sbb i tak dapat dtg rumah u, my cousin wedding. will be meet u some other times owkey. maner pic si comel ??
