UsBaNd His WaY..1. Communicate with him respectfully.
2. Regard him as important and let him know he’s important to you.
3. Purposefully try to understand his feelings
4. Show interest in his friends giving him some time with them if they’re trust-worthy.
5. Ask for his opinion and let him know n you value what he says.
6. Tell him you both LOVE him n like him.
7. Let him feel your approval and affections.
8. Protect his dignity on a daily basis.
9. Be tender with him realizing he has feelings also.
10. Foster an atmosphere of laughter in your home. Look for ways to laugh together.
11. When you go out on a date together don’t bring up problems—have fun instead.
12. Show interest in what he feels is important in life.
13. Correct him gently and in private.
14. Make special time available to him apart from the children.
15. Don’t allow any family member to treat him disrespectfully. Be the one to defend him to any family member that dishonors his place as your husband.
16. Compliment him often.
17. Be creative when you express your love, both in words and in actions.
18. Talk with him about having specific family goals for each year to work on to achieve together so you will both feel closer to each other as a marital team.
19. Don’t over commit yourself. Leave time for him.
20. Extend God’s grace to him and be forgiving when he offends you.
21. Find ways to show him you need him.
22. Admit your mistakes; don’t be afraid to be humble.
23. Rub his feet or neck, or scratch his back after a hard day.
24. Take time for the two of you to sit and talk calmly
25. Initiate going out on romantic outings
26. Email or sms him when he’s at work, telling him how much you love him.
27. Surprise him with a fun gift of some kind that he’d really enjoy.
28. Express how much you appreciate him for working so hard to support the family.
29. Tell him how proud you are of him
30. Give advice in a loving way
31. Help him to be the Spiritual head at home
32. Reserve some energy for him so you’re not so tired when he wants you
33. Don’t expect him to do projects beyond his natural capabilities.
34. Pray for him to enjoy God’s best in life.
35. Take special notice for what he has done for you and the family.
36. Brake about him to other people both in front of him and even when he’s not there.
37. Share your feelings with him at appropriate times
38. Get up with him, even when he gets up earlier than you want to and pray with him.
39. Be his “help-mate” in whatever ways you sense he needs it.
40. Do some shoulder-to-shoulder activities with him (like watching a movie or taking a drive together) without talking. Sometimes men just like to BE with you and not talk.
41. Be a student of his ways so you show your love in ways he best comprehends it.
42. When your husband is in a bad mood give him time to recover. Don’t crowd him.
43. Help him to finish his goals, hobbies, or education when your see he needs it.
44. Treat him as if God has stamped on his forehead: “Handle With Care.”
45. Don’t compare his relatives with yours in a negative way.
46. Thank him for things he’s done around the house. (It means a lot to men).
47. Don’t expect credit for all you do for him.
48. Make sure he agrees with everything important that you’re planning to do.
49. Do little things for him—an unexpected kiss, coffee in bed, etc.
50. Sometimes let him enjoy his day off work without having to “work” at home.
51. Surprise him with a 15 second kiss when he gets home from work.
52. When things go wrong, instead of assessing blame, focus on how to do better.
53. Tell him you love him more often.
54. Put love notes in his pockets and bag
55. Sit with him while he’s watching TV—even if the program doesn’t interest you.
56. Don’t expect him to read your mind.
57. Periodically, give him time with his family alone.
58. Check with him before you throw away his papers and stuff. (He may view them as more important than you realize.)
59. Work to keep yourself in shape in every way.
60. Carefully choose your words. Remember to “speak the truth in LOVE.”
61. Don’t criticize him in front of others—keeping his dignity in act.
62. Pray for him and care him much.
63. Look your best—dress to honor him and make him proud to be seen with you.
64. Support him when someone tries to put him down. Be his best cheer leader.
65. Don’t disagree with him in front of the children.
66. Graciously teach him how to demonstrate his love for you.
67. Thank him for just being himself.